Located at 4750 Big Run South Road | Grove City, Ohio 43123
(NW corner of the South-Western Career Academy building)
Phone: (614) 801-6280 | Fax: (614) 801-2253
To ensure efficiencies with the managing of student enrollments, all enrollment applications and information will be processed online. Once the enrollment center receives a completed online application, an enrollment specialist will contact you to complete the enrollment process. Enrollment for each school year opens the January before the August start year. This application should only be completed if your student is new to the district or is returning to the district. If your student is currently enrolled in SWCSD and you are interested in applying to district academic programs, please contact the district office at (614) 801-3000.
NEW Preschool Families Only for 2024-2025:
Please contact the Preschool Center FIRST (614-801-8448) for pre-conference enrollment before enrolling at the green link below.
All students new to the South-Western City School District or re-enrolling in the District must have an approved enrollment application by the Student Enrollment Center (SEC) prior to attending classes at any SWCSD location.

All students whose families move within the district must also
change their address through the SEC change of address verification process.
Enrollment Center Information