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South-Western City Schools News Article

District Superintendent Search 2024

On March 11, 2024, South-Western City Schools superintendent Dr. Bill Wise announced his intention to retire resulting in an anticipated vacancy in the position starting August 1, 2024. As the district administration and Board of Education work collaboratively to find our school system's next educational leader and superintendent of schools, this landing page serves as a means to keep our stakeholders informed throughout the process.

Whether you are a student or parent, staff member, community member, or prospective applicant, our Superintendent Search resource page is your resource during and throughout our search. Stay tuned for regular updates to the timeline below to include information regarding stakeholder engagement opportunities for valued feedback to help guide the process.

For more information about the South-Western City School District read more about the District in our 2023 Annual Report (click here) and the Superintendent Search Brochure (click here). 

Superintendent Search Timeline

For a review of Board minutes from past meetings, please visit our board docs webpage at the link here. 

March 11, 2024

At the March 11 regular meeting of the Board of Education, superintendent Dr. Bill Wise announced his intent to retire. Read the release here. Following the retirement announcement, the board discussed hearing from superintendent search firms on March 20. The March 20 date had been previously earmarked as a special meeting date on February 21, 2023 for the purposes of discussing board policies. In lieu of creating a second date, the March 20 date was set aside to now encompass presentations from superintendent search firms. 

March 20, 2024

At the March 20 special meeting of the Board of Education, district leadership engaged in presentations from search firms as to various approaches of how a search may be conducted. After further deliberation, the Board identified K-12 Consulting as the district's search firm to lead recruitment, hiring, and advertising efforts for the superintendent vacancy by board action. Further, the Board identified a maximum cap of $75,000 for such search services for FY24.


April 1, 2024

At the April 1 special meeting of the Board of Education, district leadership met with K-12 Consulting to discuss posting, application, and stakeholder feedback timelines. 


April 3, 2024

Posting of the superintendent’s position went live on SWCSD.us and various other school administrator hiring sites.

April 8-18, 2024

Community survey window opened April 8 and runs through April 18 for stakeholder feedback regarding the superintendent search.


April 15, 16, 17, 18, 2024

In-person Superintendent Search Profile meetings were held. This data was used to create the Superintendent Search Profile (Deadline for questionnaires April 19, 2024).


April 22, 2024

Results from Search Profile meetings presented by K-12 Business Consulting at the April 22, 2024 regular meeting of the South-Western City School District Board of Education. 


May 17, 2024

May 17 was the deadline for all prospective superintendent candidates to submit required application materials. 


May 22, 2024

Candidate screening meeting(s) with the Board of Education (Executive Session) starting at 6 p.m.


May 28-29, 2024

First round interviews. (Executive Session) 


June 3 and 4, 2024 

Superintendent Community Forums


June 8, 2024 - 10 a.m. SWCA Event Center (Special Board Meeting)

Anticipated date of hire for new superintendent (Pending board approval, Mr. Randy Banks will be named the district's new Superintendent of Schools). 

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