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South-Western City Schools News Article

SWCSD 25-26 Proposed Academic Calendar Available for Public Review

The South-Western City School District (SWCSD) has made available its 2025-2026 academic calendar proposal for a public review period regarding the proposed draft and is seeking parent and community input! 

In reviewing school calendar proposals over the years, there have been many common themes we hear from parents and guardians they are interested in which may assist you in your review:

- The day of the week and the day of the month school starts
- The day of the week and the day of the month school ends
- The timing and length of Spring Break
- Election Days (school not in session once more this year)

Between now and December 9, 2024, visit our 2025-2026 Academic Calendar Public Comment Form at the link below to share your feedback. Responses will be compiled by our Classified Services Director Mr. DeCastro who also can be contacted at 614-801-3000 for additional questions and support. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdB4lKBcyCQIb2haHiDS1re4ClL3Qvas7beVqYmyYRy4EjgwQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

The board will have one final reading of the calendar proposal before it is voted on for potential adoption.

2025-2026 Proposed Academic Calendar

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